2 May 2011

Amanuensis Monday - Job Reference

Right now I'm in between jobs, that is I finished at my old place yesterday and I start my new job on the 16th May. Unfortunately its not a job hunting down elusive ancestors or heir's apparent but it's a new job and I'm looking forward to in none the less.

So with this in mind I give you the reference of my grandmother when she left school.

Provided by Eric Noel WRIGHT to me in 2011.

Flintshire Education Committee

Modern Secondary School,
5th. July. 1945.

Betty Eleanor Davies has been a pupil
at the above School for the past three years
and her work has been steady, but her best
work has been in practical subjects. She is
a girl with a reserved disposition, quiet
but earnest. She is trustworthy and I am
sure will prove loyal wherever she
secures employment.

T Ceiriog Williams

Amanuensis Monday is a popular ongoing series created by John Newmark at Transylvanian Dutch.