25 Dec 2014

Genealogy Do-Over

Every so often I decide I need to go back, back eight years to the beginning of my obsession, and start again.  Every so often I make an attempt; I'll just concentrate on the pedigree, or I'll just look at this line, and after a couple of days I've been distracted by something shiny somewhere else and off I run chasing those possible matches in whichever dataset has just been released.

Then this morning, whilst working hard you understand, I came across Thomas MacEntee’s blog post: Genealogy Do-Over. He's setting aside 20 years’ worth of research and starting again and inviting us, the genealogical community, along for the ride.

Over 13 weeks in 2015 we're going to progress through a number of different topics. There's a Facebook support group with over 500 members, and a scheduled list of things to work to. I think this approach, as well as being educational, will help kick-start 2015 and keep my genealogical skills sharp.

Head over to www.genealogy-do-over.com and see what you can learn.

We're all doing it, come do it with us!